L’arbre a Palimpsete (The Tree of Palimpsest), an animated Tv Series created and produced by Ingrid Agbo of Nebularts Production in France, out-sourced the production of animation to Basement Animation in Nigeria, won the Gulli Prize in the Animation Du Monde Category at Annecy 2018. As part of the Annecy Festival 2018, the world’s top reference for animation films, the MIFA (Annecy Festival Market) proposed a pitch session competition open to original animation projects, in their first stages of development and looking for producers, distributors and funding.
L’arbre à Palimpseste was one of two projects at DISCOP Johannesburg African Animation pitches that received automatic entry into the Animation du Monde program pitch sessions at Annecy 2018.
L’arbre à Palimpseste eventually won the Gulli Prize in the Animation Du Monde Category at Annecy 2018. Full list of winners can be found here
Congratulations to Ingrid Agbo, the Nebularts team and the Basement Animation team. We deserve some accolades.