Basement Animation Studio celebrated International Women’s Day 2022 by hosting its annual panel discussion, focusing on ‘Advancing Women Creatives in Animation.’ Esteemed panellists included Esther Kemi Gbadamosi, Founder/Media Consultant at Radioxity Media; Omoyefe Majoroh, 3D Generalist/Filmmaker; and Ukpeme Uwakwe, Partner/Head of Development at Basement Animation.
The discussions were deeply engaging, centering on uplifting and inspiring women to pursue their ambitions unhindered by bias or barriers. Key topics included promoting equal participation and leadership, fostering gender equality within the animation industry, and advocating for fair distribution of creation, production, and rewards. Additionally, the panel aimed to raise awareness among women about their potential to lead and make a significant impact in the field.
In continuation of their commitment to supporting women in animation, Basement Animation Studio announced plans to launch a Scholarship Program. This program will provide opportunities for women aspiring to careers as Script Writers, Voice Artists, Character Designers, Storyboard Artists, or Animators. Stay tuned for further details on this exciting initiative.